Purpose Statement
"To bring people to Jesus and membership in His family; to nurture and equip them for victorious living, community outreach, and world missions."

Core Values
1.    We value people because people matter to God and need to know Him.
2.    We value corporate worship as vital to the celebration of God's presence among us.
3.    We value the teaching and preaching of God's Word with grace for the transformation of lives.
4.    We value prayer as essential to the believer's lifestyle.
5.    We value cell groups as being strategic to the building of a Biblically functioning community.
6.    We value the unity of loving relationships permeating every aspect of church life.
7.    We value a discipling process that develops the believer into a mature follower of Christ.
8.    We value the equipping and empowering of people to do the work of the ministry.
9.    We value servant-leadership given by Spirit-filled people.
10.    We value giving our best to God because this honors Him and inspires others.

Core Beliefs (summarized)
1.   There is one eternal God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
2.   Jesus Christ is God's only Son and was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, was crucified, buried, resurrected, and ascended into Heaven.
3.   The Bible in its entirety is the inspired Word of God.  God's Word is the infallible, inerrant, reliable, true, and eternal basis of all faith and conduct.
4.   Man was created in God's own image: a spirit, dwelling in a body, and possessing a mind and will.  When Adam sinned, all men came under the penalty of eternal, spiritual death.  Man is saved from the penalty of his sins by God's grace through his faith in Jesus Christ's finished work of redemption by shedding His own blood on the cross as a once and for all sacrifice.
5.   Every believer should be baptized in water.  Every believer is promised the gift of the Holy Spirit.
6.   We believe in continual sanctification by applying the Word of God by the power of the Holy Spirit resulting in the cultivation of personal holiness of heart and life.
7.   We believe in the fullness of the ministry of the Holy Spirit, including both the fruit of the Spirit and gifts of the Spirit.  The heart of the ministry is serving others and all ministry of spiritual gifts is to be freely offered in humbleness and submission to God's will and purposes.
8.   God has an eternal purpose and plan for every person.  He desires that not one would perish.


  Every Christian should be a committed part of a local church body and be submitted to true servant-hearted, pastoral leadership according to Biblical principle.  To be given authority one must be under authority.  Living a successful Christian life requires manifested commitment and genuine accountability to God-given authority.
10.   Basic Christian disciplines include commitment to the Bible, commitment to worship and prayer, commitment to one's spouse and family, commitment to the local church, giving tithes and offerings in support of the work of the Lord, reaching out to others in love, and faithfulness, diligence, honesty, and integrity.
11.   The family is foundational to the building of the church.  Selfless, committed relationships make strong families.  Biblical marriage is comprised of one husband and one wife joined together for life in a holy, covenantal union, expressed by mutual exchange of virtue and spiritual and physical life.
12.   God has built Destiny Church as an equipping and sending local church that builds up people to achieve their full potential as Christians, servants of God, and fruit-bearing ministers.
13.   God has called Destiny Church to be a 'bridge-building' church; that is, a church who looks to reconcile to God those who are lost, and reconcile people to one another who may have a troubled, breached, or non-existent relationship.

Five Active Emphases

Vision Emphasis 1 - Leading Praise and Worship
God is looking for worshippers who will worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:22,23). Young people, older folks, married, singles, families, and children all come together to worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords at Destiny Church! Our priority is to seek His presence; there we find life, victory, power, healing, and fullness of joy.

Our aim is to exalt the Lord with all our strength and might, to see Him lifted up so that all men would be drawn unto Him (John 12:32). We endeavor to fill the atmosphere of the earth with the Glory of God!

Vision Emphasis 2 - Equipping Others With The Word Of God
The Word of God cannot fail. It is the source of all strength, life, and faith. The Bible is God's Word to us; one of our highest priorities at Destiny Church is to share the Word of God through teaching, preaching, dramas, song, and printed media.

Every person is responsible to learn the principles of Kingdom living as taught in the Bible. As a church, we provide many opportunities to study and learn the truths of the Word of God.

Vision Emphasis 3 - Building A House Of Prayer
Jesus said that His house was to be a house of prayer. God hears and answers the prayers of those who are righteous in Him! It is His desire that people pray and intercede for His will to be done in the earth. Even as He taught His disciples to pray, we believe in the priority of prayer! Prayer changes things!

We believe in private, devotional prayer as well as corporate prayer as a church. We provide many opportunities to be involved in prayer at Destiny Church.

Vision Emphasis 4 - Building Bridges To The Lost
It is our responsibility to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As a church, we do this through personal witnessing, through evangelistic outreaches to our community, and by sending missionaries, who are ambassadors for Christ on foreign soil.

God's desire is that every person would be born again into His Kingdom. Jesus shed His blood that everyone could be saved, and have eternal life. We desire to take this message to the nations of the world, so that thousands would come to know the saving power of God! For more information about our World Missions vision, click here.

Vision Emphasis 5 - Promoting Unity Among The Brethren
In Psalm 133, the Lord promised a special blessing where people dwell together in unity. God likened it to the anointing oil which was used to anoint kings and priests in the Old Testament. Applying this to our time, God sends a mighty anointing of His Holy Spirit when brothers in Christ are unified in heart, purpose, and vision.

The leadership of Destiny Church have been used over the years to help bring about increased unity among the pastors of our city. We are involved in a pastor's fellowship, called The Gathering of Pastors and Leaders which meets monthly for prayer, fellowship, and for the purpose of encouraging one another.

We are committed as a church to city-wide outreaches which allow us to work together with other churches and pastors. We believe that the end-time harvest will be so great that it will require local churches to work together to see the harvest brought in and preserved.